Esophageal Disorders: Types, Risks, Symptoms and Causes-To know more Attend the 13th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference 2023

Esophageal Cancer:

Causes: Chronic irritation and inflammation of the esophagus, often due to Barrett's esophagus, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or certain genetic factors.

Symptoms: Difficulty swallowing, unintentional weight loss, chest pain, and hoarseness.

Risks: Smoking, heavy alcohol use, obesity, GERD, and a family history of esophageal cancer increase the risk.


Causes: Achalasia is a rare disorder where the lower esophageal sphincter fails to relax properly, causing difficulty in food and liquid passage into the stomach.

Symptoms: Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), chest pain, regurgitation, and weight loss.

Risks: The exact cause is unknown, but it may involve autoimmune factors.

Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE):

Causes: EoE is an allergic condition where the esophagus becomes inflamed due to the presence of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell.

Symptoms: Difficulty swallowing, food impaction, and chest pain.

Risks: Allergies and a family history of EoE may contribute.

Esophageal Strictures:

Causes: Narrowing of the esophagus can result from chronic irritation (e.g., from GERD), scar tissue formation, or external compression.

Symptoms: Difficulty swallowing, sensation of food sticking in the throat, and chest pain.

Risks: Chronic GERD is a common cause.


Causes: Diverticula are small pouches that can form in the esophagus, sometimes due to increased pressure during swallowing.

Symptoms: Often asymptomatic but can cause difficulty swallowing and regurgitation.

Risks: Risk factors are not well-defined.

It's important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment if you suspect you have an esophageal disorder. The management of these conditions varies depending on the specific disorder and its underlying causes. Lifestyle changes, medications, and surgical interventions may be recommended to manage symptoms and prevent complications.


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